Michael Mooney Sampler
Updated 8-25-2012

Built To Survive, A Comprehensive Guide to the Medical Use of Anabolic Therapies, Nutrition and Exercise for HIV(+) Men and Women -184 pages, one-of-a-kind ground-breaking, life-saving co-authored book available on Amazon.com, where there are fifteen 5-star reviews. Co-authored with Nelson Vergel, HIV survivor since1985.

WEHONEWS.COM - The online newspaper for West Hollywood, California

http://wehonews.com/z/wehonews/archive/page.php?articleID=5885 - How to protect yourself from radiation.
http://wehonews.com/z/wehonews/archive/page.php?articleID=5802 - Banning circumcision.
http://wehonews.com/z/wehonews/archive/page.php?articleID=4249 - Moderate drinking is good for the heart.
http://wehonews.com/z/wehonews/archive/page.php?articleID=4188 - Consumers Union recommends legalizing marijuana. Why don't the feds?
http://wehonews.com/z/wehonews/archive/page.php?articleID=4137 - DMSO healed my Achilles tendon and ligaments, yet FDA suppresses information about it.
http://wehonews.com/z/wehonews/archive/page.php?articleID=5402 - Update on DMSO -- details the experiences of friends and family, proper use, caveats and benefits, including healing rheumatoid arthritis.
http://wehonews.com/z/wehonews/archive/page.php?articleID=3922 - Vitamin D, instead of the swine flu vaccine.
http://wehonews.com/z/wehonews/archive/page.php?articleID=4033 - Vitamin D, instead of the swine flu vaccine 2.
http://wehonews.com/z/wehonews/archive/page.php?articleID=3510 - Bad vitamin study debunked.
http://wehonews.com/z/wehonews/archive/page.php?articleID=4631 - FDA approves dietary supplement cancer preventives, an April Fool's spoof.
http://wehonews.com/z/wehonews/archive/page.php?articleID=4716 - Salt your way to health with potassium salt. Get rid of your sodium salt.
http://wehonews.com/z/wehonews/archive/page.php?articleID=4731 - Drug company tries to steal a natural form of vitamin B6, remove it from the market and make a drug out of it.
http://wehonews.com/z/wehonews/archive/page.php?articleID=5092 - Anti-HIV drugs cut new cases by 52 percent.
http://wehonews.com/z/wehonews/archive/page.php?articleID=4961 - Coffee better for health than you might think.
http://wehonews.com/z/wehonews/archive/page.php?articleID=4814 - Do multivitamins cause breast cancer?
http://wehonews.com/z/wehonews/archive/page.php?articleID=5440 - Vote No on Prop 23 and grow 500,000 green jobs.
http://wehonews.com/z/wehonews/archive/page.php?articleID=5387 - Tell Congressman Waxman - Don't Kill Net Neutrality!


http://www.michaelmooney.net/HarvardSaysEatRedMeatandDie.html - Harvard says, "Eat Red Meat and Die!"
http://www.michaelmooney.net/DidLiposomalVitaminCCureCancer.html - Did liposomal vitamin C cure cancer?
The Vitamin A Mistake That Changed the Natural Products Industry - Mistaken science caused fear of vitamin A.
http://michaelmooney.net/whole-food-supplements.pdf - Debunking claims about "Whole Food," "Biocultured-type," "Food-state-type," and "Probiotic-type" vitamins. 9600 words, fully referenced.
http://www.michaelmooney.net/nutrientabsorption.html - USP isolated nutrients generally absorb better than "Whole-food-grown-type" nutrients:
http://www.michaelmooney.net/#Corrections - I provide articles or I write articles that debunk a couple dozen of the negative vitamin studies that became newspaper headlines.
http://michaelmooney.net/mt21.html - Nutrients to reduce drug addiction and alcoholism.
http://www.michaelmooney.net/TownsendLetterDenialists4net.pdf - My statement about HIV denialists.
http://michaelmooney.net/np2.html - Products I do not recommend.
http://michaelmooney.net/CalCarbSuperior.htm - Calcium carbonate: Why it is superior to calcium citrate.
http://www.michaelmooney.net/hair.html - What to do to regrow hair.
http://michaelmooney.net/iron.htm - Iron supplementation: Required for about half of senior women (and men) for heart health and hair health.

Muscle Insider Magazine

http://www.michaelmooney.net/Eat_Read_Meat_And_Die.pdf - Harvard Says, "Eat Red Meat and Die!" Graphics laid out for Muscle Insider.